November 30th, 2018

Cambria, Wisc. 

On Friday, November 30, Didion team members presented a check for $400 to Cambria-Friesland School District in support of their hot lunch program. The check was accepted on behalf of the school by Superintendent, Tim Raymond, and Ellen Lehman, Food Services Director.

Every year, Didion holds a Chili Cook-off Fundraiser for employees and money raised goes toward supporting a need in the local community. This year, the company wanted to focus on providing wellness for local children and what better way than through school food service.

“We feel it is important that the kids in the community can enjoy a decent school lunch every day,” said Kayla Schaller, Human Development Business Partner at Didion and organizer of the fundraiser. “The school has such a great food program and we are happy to support in any way we can.”

About Didion
Didion is a family-owned agricultural processing business located in Wisconsin’s heartland. A proprietary milling process allows Didion to select the best elements of each corn kernel for food processing, utilizing the remainder for homegrown biofuel. Nurtured with nearly 45 years of passion and technologies, Didion offers a full array of corn products, including brans, flours, grits, meals, pregelatinized ingredients, whole grain, and famine-relief aid. In addition, Didion’s research and development team helps customize products to meet customer-specific requirements.