Tawyna Yanke
Business Applications Technical Analyst
Tawnya Yanke came to Didion in May from Foremost Farms with over 15 years of experience. The manufacturing processes and the customer base similarities within the two industries helped prepare Tawnya for her current role as a Business Applications Technical Analyst.
Prior to Foremost Farms, Tawnya worked as a web developer for iconic doll company, American Girl. She was a member of the Society of Technical Communicators, which has contributed to her ability to discuss technical aspects of business with anyone throughout a company, and provided her opportunities to work in a variety of areas within business systems.
The customer promises on our company’s website inspired Tawnya to pursue a career with Didion. She felt like the promises were very clear, concise, and measurable.
Tawnya stated, “Wow, if they are going to put something like that on their website, I’m guessing that they work at that standard quite a bit. I loved being super concise with something like that, and putting it out there for people to see. It means you have to hold yourself to those standards.”
With joining Didion in the midst of the pandemic, Tawnya has been working remotely since her first day on the job. While working from home isn’t new to Tawnya, the biggest adjustment has been not getting to meet people face to face. “It is definitely a challenge, but zoom meetings have been very beneficial in meeting other team members,” stated Tawnya.
By building on Didion’s current foundation, Tawnya will be able to contribute to her role by tapping into her previous experience and knowledge with similar systems and data quality.
Tawnya shared that she has heard from the president of Didion more in two months than she ever heard from the President of Foremost in 15 years. Her favorite part about working with Didion is the people and level of communication.