Good Morning,
Corn ratings came in unchanged yesterday afternoon for the US at 72% G/E. Silking was 81% vs the 5 year average of 62% and dough stage was also ahead of normal at 18% compared to 8% for the 5 year average. Wisconsin was rated at 83% G/E which is up 1% from last week. Silking in WI was 53% vs the 5 year average of 35% while dough was unrated. We are too late in the season for crop ratings to deteriorate enough to move the market higher. This weeks report has traders anticipating not only a larger harvest, but an earlier one as well. The rapid maturity of this crop is most likely going to keep any late season market rally at a minimum.
Other morning highlights:
• The new EPA administrator, Andrew Wheeler, will make an announcement today concerning sorghum in the RFS
• The USDA announced a cancellation of 165 mt sale of soyobeans to China
• Weather was favorable across all Crop Watch 2018 fields last week with some rain showers and milder temperatures, and some of the corn and soybeans are already responding to the better growing conditions.
After closing higher for the previous 6 sessions, corn looks to reverse direction today with the markets down 6 on the open.
Producers looking to move old crop and clean out their bins before the 2018 crop starts to come off should give us a call to discuss special options that we have for you.
Have a Safe Day!
Garry Gard