November 13, 2019
Good Morning,
Prices over at the CBOT were a little lower last night with follow-through buying absent after the pros were remained in the dark on any new detail of the Phase 1 trade agreement. Corn is down 2, soybeans are down 1 and wheat is down 4 cents.
Radar shows more snow moving out of the western Corn Belt this morning. Accumulations with this system don’t look to be especially heavy and will likely melt quickly with temperatures expected to moderate early next week. Mother Nature looks like she will cooperate into early December and allow harvest to get back on track. Corn harvest last night was reported at 66% complete for the US compared to the 5 year average of 85%. Wisconsin came in at 30% compared to the 5 year average of 65%. This is the third slowest pace for corn harvest on record, with the rates across the upper Midwest and Plains running well behind normal rate.
President trump offered no details on the trade situation in yesterday’s speech which left traders with no direction on the trade front. Fundamentals will be the trade for now as we are still dealing with a 1.91 billion bushel carryout.
Have a Safe Day!
Garry Gard