Official Media Statement
Last May’s incident will stay with each of us forever, and we will never forget. Today, our focus is to honor and remember the team members we lost and those who were injured.
As we come together to reflect on the day that marks the 1 year anniversary, we are very grateful for the continuous outpouring of support and prayers we have received during the journey to recover and rebuild.
As a community and as a team, we have many reasons to be thankful and hopeful for the future. Our commitment to support our team and the Cambria community remains strong .
About Didion
Didion is a family-owned agricultural processing business located in Wisconsin’s heartland. A proprietary milling process allows Didion to select the best elements of each corn kernel for food processing, utilizing the remainder for homegrown biofuel. Nurtured with over 45 years of passion and technologies, Didion offers a full array of corn products, including brans, flours, grits, meals, pregelatinized ingredients, whole grain, and famine-relief aid. In addition, Didion’s research and development team creates and customizes products to meet customer-specific needs.