Good morning,


Dryness in Brazil continues to be a concern as planting remains behind pace and rainfall is forecasted to be behind pace for another 3 weeks. Unlike US farmers, Brazilian farmers want rain during planting season. Argentina is sitting in a similar situation bet despite the rain deficit, Argentina’s crop is 11% planted and only 2% behind the average.


The USDA quarterly stocks report is out this morning, and traders look for both soybean and corn stocks to end up higher than USDA’s September S&D update, indicating a neutral to bearish undertone. My guess is that this report will come in bullish with strong use in both commodities the last couple months.


Check back in after 11:00 for today’s numbers.


Quarterly Grain Stocks (Billion bushels)

  USDA September 2024 Average Estimate USDA September 2023
Corn 1.760 1.853 1.360
Soybeans .342 354 264
Wheat 1.986 1.984 1.767





Have a Safe Day!


Garry Gard
